Mythical Beasts

Lure of the Golden Deer:

"Diversely coloured, amazingly limbed, and spotted with gemlike dapples it is shining forth like a deer that is completely transcendent, and while nonchalantly moving before me it is enlivening the forest like the moon."

Jataayu's Confrontation with Ravana:

That majestic bird Jataayu with a very sharp beak, appearing like a mountain peak, then uttered words of expediency still perching on a tree.

"Stop off! Stop off! Oh, Decahedral Ravana, learn of me as I jettison you from your best chariot, as with the unloading of a burdensome fruit from its sepals.

Oh, nightwalker, I will guest to you in a duel as long as I am alive."

Size : N/A
Style : Vector Art / Digital Art
Medium : NA


  • Prasun Mazumdar

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or if you're interested in commissioning a piece.

Rhythm of mythology

Since I was a child, Mythology has always been the inspiration or background story that I could relate to. This series of illustrations is just a depiction of what I have seen and learned, re-imagined or interpreted by me.

These stories evoke various emotions for me, and I like to represent these emotions through various mythological scenarios. It is an ever growing series for me as I will continue to add more to it from time to time.

Size : Various
Style : Freehand Drawing
Medium : Brush & Ink on paper


  • Prasun Mazumdar

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or if you're interested in commissioning a piece.


Knowledge is power, only when it is ever-evolving. Evolving through genes, through veins, through the strides of time & that of space. The goddess of knowledge believes that every space has its own interpretation of the same set of knowledge. As knowledge flows freely through the maze of different layers of the physical world, it transcends into newer forms.

The goddess Saraswati_सरस्वती plays the tune of life, submerged into the holy pool of birth_amrit-kund, while her vahana the swan_sarwahansa, takes a dive to reach out to have a glimpse of the new creation. Every drop is precious, every note is valuable, every tempo is meaningful and every pitch is important.

Saraswati plays the Symphony of Sonar, it radiates from the strings of the DaiviyeVeena and smoothly pierces through the genes of the aquatic life, through the very conscience and physicality of that world, resulting in a new string of change or evolution. She inspires a new change, with the knowledge of "creating the creator", like a womb just like an ecosystem. The ecosystem that eventually gives birth to newness.

The newness that brings in the change that is needed.

Size : NA
Style : NA
Medium : NA


  • Prasun Mazumdar

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or if you're interested in commissioning a piece.


Atom is everything and everything is Atom. The smallest particle represents the universe and has all the constituents of all that existed in one atom. This duality is the very essence of our existence. The Nature of Duality exists in the Duality of Nature

Nataraj_नटराज- the divine dance of destruction is also the act of creation, for the next cycle, and the cycle that repeats itself, over and over again. Nataraja is a verse and every verse has its version and interpretations.

The balance between the Trishul (the end) and the Damroo (the beginning) on the other side with the act of creation of the atom balanced these two forces. The divine dance is the celebration of the end of one and the beginning of a new time or Just another cycle celebrating all, such events happening parallelly in numerous times in the numerous levels of the labyrinth of the cosmos.

The only idea constant is demolishing the representation of ignorance.

Size : NA
Style : NA
Medium : NA


  • Prasun Mazumdar

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or if you're interested in commissioning a piece.

Mother Nature | सृष्टि

Mother Nature | सृष्टि, while composing the song of The Cosmos, using the symphony of Matter & Energy. The matter that composes the mass of all living beings and Energies that create their very soul.

It arises from the core of the golden lotus, the form that defines the very essence of the living, and lets Mother Nature adapt the power of butterfly, the power of seeing life through and through like a timeline. Butterfly which by the virtue of Nature’s design transcends through 4 different stages, in a most overt manner.

Life swirls in between the swirling mystic warp of fish and the other side balanced by the first celestial leaves. The cosmos is born...again. Thousands of galaxies, wrapped around sharing something in common that connects them, and connect every living being in the entire cosmos.

Time is that string, passing through everything that is there, was and will be and undefining the pattern that defines the chaos that is the ultimate balance and is called "Nature"

Mother Nature, is creating the music again and defining it one more time, as she has done millions of times before and might do again after.

Size : NA
Style : NA
Medium : NA


  • Prasun Mazumdar

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or if you're interested in commissioning a piece.

Durga (দশভূজা মা দুর্গা)

When the demon legend and a shapeshifter, size-shifter Mahishasura, won many battles in his quest to establish unrest. The boon that saved him, that says "No "man" can kill him" also holds the key to his death. One may call it lack of knowledge or severe arrogance, that he never considered to include a woman in his ask for the boon.

That became the reason for the formation of Devi Durga. The great meet of the gods and goddesses held to combine the divine energies coalesce into the goddess. The combined forces resulted, Dashabhuja Maa Durga (দশভূজা মা দুর্গা). The three principal forms of Durga worshiped are Maha Durga, Chandika and Aparajita. The forms that define women, a holistic existence of a force that is as complete as anything in this entire creation.

Let her decide, let her arise. She is a part of all of us, it is on us to believe in the truth of the reason and not anything else.

Size : NA
Style : NA
Medium : NA


  • Prasun Mazumdar

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or if you're interested in commissioning a piece.

Mother Nature | सृष्टि 2

The labyrinth of life and death and all that happens in between. Everything that we do knowingly or becomes part of, directly or indirectly, each moment creates our next moment. The next moment for everything, the next moment for this universe, the entire existence.

We all together create our next moment, our future and hence become a part of a collective consciousness.

Brahma, the embodiment of this idea of a continuous calculation. Calculating each moment with its cause and effect, with its action and reaction, with it's closing an event and opening of a new avenue, with it's life and death, all just happening "in between two moments of life".

This phenomenon takes place, "in between two moments of life". Where it just does not calculate the previous moment but also design the next moment based on the previous. The design that calibrates our future is devised by Maa Shristi, सृष्टि who is gaining her purity of decision making from both the goddess of water & fire as a continuous process.

The balance of being and the balance of to be is Maa Shriti. Shristi performs this devine celebration of life in every moment and the in between two consecutive moments, across timelines throughout a yuga. The break of this chain of action is the end of a yuga. She is doing it under the shadow that is cast by the million heads of Vishnu's Sheshnag. So that it goes on for long, as long as the idea of preserving must go. As long as the idea of preserving "life" must go. The idea of preserving, on which the whole idea of Vishnu is based and the idea on which the idea of life is based.

Size : NA
Style : NA
Medium : NA


  • Prasun Mazumdar

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or if you're interested in commissioning a piece.

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